Astrological Wisdom Meets Intuitive Insight

Intuitive Astrology Reading

Experience a unique blend of astrology and intuition with an Intuitive Astrological Consultation.

This service includes:

  • Astrological Analysis: Ian will examine your birth chart, considering planetary positions, aspects, and transits to provide an “at a glance” overview of your astrological profile and answer questions you have on specific topics.

  • Intuitive Insights: Combining astrological knowledge with intuitive guidance, Ian offers profound insights into your life path, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Personalized Guidance: Receive tailored advice on key areas such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth, helping you make informed decisions and navigate your life's journey.

  • Interactive Session: Engage in a meaningful conversation where your questions and concerns are addressed, ensuring a holistic and supportive experience.

  • Recording of the Session: Receive a recording of the Zoom call, allowing you to revisit the insights at your convenience..

60 Minutes $181

90 Minutes $271

Discover the power of intuition and astrology combined, and embark on a transformative journey of self-awareness and empowerment. Your future is within reach!

Some astrologers do readings that feel clinical and dry. However, Ian’s readings are accessible, personal and immediately applicable to life. Ian is not only a real scholar of astrology, but also has such emotional intelligence. I found his jyotish services both meticulous and also incredibly insightful and warm.

Emily Blake

It's now been three years since Ian did my reading and every word so far has proven true. I highly recommend his work!

Sarah Curts

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