Ian Michael Ferguson profile image

Ian M. Ferguson

Over the decades, I have immersed myself in the study of both Vedic and Western astrology, alchemy, shamanism—including initiations by a Siberian lineage shaman—angelic magick, the mysteries of secret societies and mystery schools. This extensive research and personal practice have anchored me firmly in the Celestial Current, where I work with the three Spheres and nine Angelic Choirs of the Angelic Hierarchy.

Over the decades, I have immersed myself in the study of both Vedic and Western astrology, alchemy, shamanism—including initiations by a Siberian lineage shaman—angelic magick, the mysteries of secret societies and mystery schools. This extensive research and personal practice have anchored me firmly in the Celestial Current, where I work with the three Spheres and nine Angelic Choirs of the Angelic Hierarchy.

white lotus of light

My name is Ian Michael Ferguson, and I have dedicated my life to the study of astrology and the mystical arts. From a childhood filled with mystical and psychic experiences to a profound spiritual re-awakening in my 20s, my journey has been one of deep exploration and enlightenment.

In the year 2000, while taking a Religions of India class, I encountered a passage in the Bhagavad Gita that resonated deeply within me, marking the beginning of a multi-decade journey of spiritual seeking. This path intensified in January 2001 when I received a prophetic vision of the 9/11 attacks, revealing to me a larger spiritual battle at play. This vision catalyzed a relentless pursuit of Truth, encompassing both the mundane aspects of politics, economics, and geo-politics, as well as a profound spiritual evolution.

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My Approach

At White Lotus of Light, I blend the wisdom of Vedic and Western astrology with intuitive guidance and angelic magick to offer personalized spiritual consultations. Whether you are seeking insights for your personal life or business endeavors, my goal is to empower you to make informed decisions and take control of your destiny. I bring 27 years of experience in Western Tropical Zodiac astrology and a deep passion for my 17 year journey exploring the depths of Vedic Astrology (Jyotish). Let me provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your destiny through both systems.

In addition to my astrological expertise, I teach the profound arte of Angelic Magick. Having been psychically aware since childhood, I have developed a clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient connection to the angelic realms. Through gnosis and direct communication with the angels, I work with the Nine Choirs of Angels to bring healing, spiritual growth, and inspiration to humanity during these challenging times of Kali Yuga.

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seraphim and angels flying
man looking up at the stars

Illuminating the Path to Your Inner Truth

Join me on this transformative journey, discovering how the celestial influences illuminate your destiny. Achieve your highest potential with the guidance of the Angels. Together, we will navigate the complexities of life and uncover the profound truths that lie within your astrological chart. Utilize the ancient techniques that have guided the elite for centuries, harnessing their power to make your life more meaningful, and harmonious.

Experience the power of astrology, spiritual evolution and the mystical arts. Let’s embark on this journey together.