“ Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do ”

- J P Morgan

Astrology Concierge

Elevate your business and gain a competitive edge with unparalleled expertise, personalized service, and the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology.

This exclusive service offers:

  • Combined Natal and Navamsa Charts: Enjoy Ian’s most thorough analysis with 10 hours of research for both Natal and Navamsa charts, totaling 20 hours.

  • Two Zoom Call Explanations: Comprehensive 2.5 hour Zoom sessions where Ian explains the intricate details of your charts, providing tailored guidance and insights. 

  • Recording of the Session: Receive a recording of the Zoom call, allowing you to revisit the detailed analysis and insights at your convenience.

  • PDF/Image Package: Receive beautifully designed PDF and image packages of your Natal and Navamsa charts for easy review and sharing.

  • Custom Art Print: Own a unique custom hand drawn artwork of your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign, rich with astrological and esoteric symbolism. This unique masterpiece is designed and created exclusively for you by our talented artist.

  • 33 Hours of Follow-Up Consultations: Benefit from on-call consultations for continued guidance, plus 2-hour yearly updates for each of the next three years.


Unlock the power of celestial insights and take your business to new heights. Embrace the ancient wisdom that has guided the elite for centuries.

I began working with Ian a little under 6 months ago, and in short order he has become an invaluable advisor to me from an esoteric and value-added standpoint.  What attracted me to Ian was not only his unique ability to see the metaphysical in all situations great and small, but his genuine desire to do and create goodness in the world with the utmost commitment and integrity.

Simply put, his astrological work has transformed me professionally, and personally. I could not imagine either aspect of my life without his counsel.

Nick DeStefane

Book an appointment

Book your 30 minute consultation below to discuss the details of the Astrology Concierge package

Email Ian for further details