Deep Dive into Your Destiny

Combined Chart Package

Unlock the full potential of your astrological journey with our Combined Natal and Navamsa Deep Dive Chart Package.

This service includes:

  • 9 Hours of Research and Analysis: Our expert astrologers meticulously examine both your Natal and Navamsa charts, providing a thorough and detailed understanding of your astrological profile.

  • Two Separate 1.5 Hour Zoom Call Readings: Enjoy personalized Zoom sessions for each chart, where we delve into the intricacies of your Natal and Navamsa charts, offering tailored guidance and answering all your questions.

  • Recording of the Sessions: Receive recordings of both Zoom calls, allowing you to revisit and reflect on the detailed analyses at your convenience.

  • PDF/Image Package: Obtain beautifully designed PDF and image packages of your Natal and Navamsa charts, making it easy to review and share the information.


Experience a profound exploration of your life path, relationships, and spiritual journey. Invest in your future and discover the wisdom of Vedic astrology today!

Ian's reading of my chart helped resolve questions that I had for years, confirmed hunches that came out of nowhere, and revealed where it was beneficial to go forward and where it was wise to sidestep. Those areas where you forever have fuzzy question marks? Get Ian to do your jyotish chart.

Glenn Bravy

It's now been three years since Ian did my reading and every word so far has proven true. I highly recommend his work!

Sarah Curts

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