Unlock Your Business Potential

Astrology Consult

Elevate your business strategy with an Astrology Consultation, designed to provide insightful and practical astrological guidance for your entrepreneurial journey.

For thousands of years, Vedic astrologers have guided individuals on the most auspicious times for starting new ventures, signing contracts, and defeating competitors. Enhance your business decisions with the ancient wisdom of astrology. Gain clarity, confidence, and a strategic edge by understanding the celestial influences on your business.

Eligibility: To be eligible for this service, clients must have previously had either a natal or navamsa chart completed by Ian.

This service includes:

  • 6-Month Business Forecast: Detailed insights and predictions for the upcoming six months.

  • 10 Hours of Research: A thorough analysis with 10 hours of dedicated research into both your Natal and Navamsa charts, providing deep insights into the best times for critical business decisions and strategies.

  • 2-Hour Zoom Call Explanation: A comprehensive Zoom session where Ian explains the intricate details of your forecast, providing tailored guidance and insights.

  • Recording of the Session: Obtain a recording of the Zoom call, allowing you to review the detailed analysis and recommendations at your convenience.

  • Spreadsheet of Forecast Predictions: Including auspicious dates and challenge days for business.


Unlock your potential for greater success and growth using ancient Vedic wisdom.

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do”

JP Morgan

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