Intent, Belief, and Magick: How and Why Angelic Magick Transforms Reality

Angelic magick is a profound and mystical practice rooted in the belief that one can connect with celestial beings, particularly angels, to seek guidance, protection, healing, and spiritual insights. The mechanisms and understandings of how angelic magick works vary among different practitioners and traditions, yet some underlying metaphysical concepts remain consistent across the board.

The Power of Intent and Belief

Intent and belief are crucial factors in the practice of angelic magick. Practitioners come to angelic magick with the understanding that the materialist lens through which modern society views the world is a long-standing deception designed to enslave humanity. By stepping outside this matrix, practitioners recognize that the universe is mental in nature. Just as one is born into and participates in the deception with intent and belief, one can choose to step outside the illusion, using these same tools to create their own reality.

Angelic magick becomes a tool for humans to dance with the divine and shape their reality in harmony with the higher mind or higher self. The belief in angelic realms is fundamental; without conviction in the existence of these celestial beings, magick will not work, as belief is the metaphysical "motor" that drives the creation of one's reality.

Rituals, Ceremonies, and Sacred Connections

Angelic magick often involves elaborate rituals and ceremonies designed to create a sacred space and establish a connection with the angelic realm. Ritual tools, symbols, and ceremonial elements enhance the practitioner's focus and intention, becoming sacred through the practitioner's earnest intention to connect with the divine.

Practitioners use invocations and prayers to communicate with angels, often specific to each angel and resonating with their energies. Angels, existing in higher dimensions where time and space do not operate as they do on the earthly plane, can instantly hear prayers based on the practitioner's intention. The recitation of sacred words attracts the attention of the angels, who are never too busy to respond to even the smallest prayers.

Meditation, Visualization, and the Mental Universe

Meditation and visualization techniques are employed to attune the practitioner to angelic energies. Visualization involves mentally contacting and communing with angels, allowing practitioners to perceive their presence and receive guidance. Sigils and symbols associated with specific angels are used as means of communication and connection, with practitioners drawing or meditating upon these symbols to establish a link with the corresponding angel.

The idea that the universe is mental in nature is a concept found in various philosophical, metaphysical, and esoteric traditions. This perspective suggests that the fundamental nature of reality is mental or consciousness-based, rather than purely material. Proponents of the mental universe theory argue that consciousness precedes and gives rise to the physical world, with reality seen as a mental construct.

Exploring Angelic Magick with Ian Ferguson

Ian invites you to explore his Angelic Magick Course. This course delves into the mystical arts, guiding you to establish a connection with celestial beings and harness the power of intent and belief to shape your reality.

Discover the Power of Angelic Magick

Unlock the secrets of the celestial realms and transform your reality with the ancient wisdom of angelic magick. Join Ian Michael Ferguson's course, and embark on a mystical journey that transcends the materialist deception of modern society. Discover the power of the angelic realms, the importance of intent and belief, and the profound impact of sacred rituals. Begin your journey today and dance with the divine.

Explore the course and learn more below.

Ian M Ferguson

My name is Ian Michael Ferguson, and I have dedicated my life to the study of astrology and the mystical arts. With decades of experience in Vedic and Western astrology, alchemy, shamanism—including initiations by a Siberian lineage shaman—and angelic magick, I offer personalized spiritual consultations at White Lotus of Light. My journey intensified in 2001 with a prophetic vision of the 9/11 attacks, catalyzing a relentless pursuit of Truth. I blend intuitive guidance with astrological wisdom to empower individuals, helping them navigate life's complexities and uncover profound truths within their astrological charts.

Personal Growth through Ethical Angelic Magick


From Kabbalah to Enochian: The Development of Angelic Magick