Discover Ancient Wisdom,

Transform Your Life

Welcome to the Introduction to Vedic Astrology, an engaging and comprehensive course designed for beginners eager to explore the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology and for Western astrologers keen to broaden their scope of knowledge. 

Immerse yourself in the timeless traditions of Vedic astrology and unlock profound insights into your life and the universe. This course is your gateway to understanding the celestial influences that shape your destiny, providing you with the tools to transform your life through ancient wisdom.

Next Course Begins July 10th 2024

What you’ll get

  • Understand the Origins and Philosophy

    Gain an appreciation for the historical background and philosophical underpinnings of Vedic astrology, including its key concepts and how it differs from Western astrology.

  • Explore the Planets

    Delve into the characteristics and influences of the nine planets in Vedic astrology, including their dignities such as exaltation and debilitation.

  • Analyze the Signs and Twelve Houses

    Learn about the zodiac wheel, the nature and attributes of the twelve signs. Study of each of the twelve houses, their relationships with signs, and the significance of house lords.

  • Interpret Astrological Charts

    Master the basics of chart interpretation, including assessing planetary strengths and weaknesses, understanding aspects, and identifying key yogas.

  • Understand Dashas and Transits

    Learn about the Dasha system, Mahadashas, and their impact on life events.

  • Apply Practical Techniques

    Discover how to use astrology for personal growth and decision-making, and explore practical remedies such as gemstones and mantras, while considering ethical implications.

Course Overview

This course offers an in-depth understanding of the key concepts, principles, and practical applications of Vedic astrology, enabling students to gain insights into their own lives and the world around them. You will learn about the zodiac wheel, the attributes of the twelve signs, the characteristics of the nine planets, and the significance of the twelve houses. By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in Vedic astrology and the skills necessary to interpret astrological charts, empowering you to navigate your life with clarity and confidence.

  • Once a week for 8 weeks

  • Start time differs depending on time zone - check the scheduling below for details

  • Class recordings available


Frequently asked questions

  • Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, originates from ancient India and is based on the sidereal zodiac, which aligns with the fixed stars. Unlike Western astrology, which uses the tropical zodiac, Vedic astrology places greater emphasis on the lunar mansions (Nakshatras) and the Dasha system for predictive purposes. This course will help you understand these differences and the unique aspects of Vedic astrology.

  • This course is ideal for beginners who are new to astrology and for Western astrologers who wish to expand their knowledge and explore the rich traditions of Vedic astrology. It provides a comprehensive introduction suitable for anyone interested in understanding the celestial influences on their life and the universe.

  • You will learn the origins and philosophy of Vedic astrology, the attributes of the twelve zodiac signs, the characteristics and influences of the nine planets, the significance of the twelve houses, and how to interpret astrological charts. Additionally, you will explore the Dasha system and practical remedies for afflicted placements.

  • The classes are held once a week for 8 weeks and are conducted live via Zoom. If you miss a session, don't worry—class recordings will be available for you to catch up at your convenience.

  • No prior knowledge or experience in astrology is required. This course is designed to provide a solid foundation in Vedic astrology, making it accessible to beginners as well as those familiar with Western astrology looking to broaden their understanding.

  • You can enroll in the course by visiting the scheduling section below. The total cost for the eight-week course is $428. Once enrolled, you will receive all necessary materials and information to begin your journey into Vedic astrology.

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Embark on Your Astrological Journey

Discover the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology and unlock the secrets of your life and the universe. Enroll in the Introduction to Vedic Astrology course today and start your journey towards self-awareness and cosmic understanding.